What We Offer!

With our each flourishing plant, we are maximizing socio-environmental impact and successfully fighting back the detrimental demons of pollution and strengthening the livelihood of poor farmers to create a rich biodiverse ecosystem.

Bio-Fertilizers for better synthesis and nutrition for plant

If vegetable could speak, they would talk about how inorganic they felt due to chemical fertilizers. We recommend bio-fertilizer for best health of plant and promote reduce, reuse and recycle. We provide optimized search option to find fertilizers in your neartby location. We provide verified trusted sellers and quality assurances of the product.

To find the bio-fertilizer for good health of plant. Click Here!

Planting trees for the people,
by the people

We strive to provide the highest quality tree care to our users. This care focuses on tree preservation. We urge you to plant trees with us and to raise awareness for the positive impacts and benefits of green mother earth.

We provide End-user’s ability to register to website and view the comprehensive info about their planted trees. So what's you waiting for, let's get started. Register with us, the Earth is what we all have in common.

Tree Caring Services


We plant a wide variety of species, but tend to steer away from those species that are invasive, poorly adapted to the urban environment, or over-represented in the regional forest composition.

Tree Pruning

Tree pruning enhances the aesthetic, safety, and health of trees in the urban environment. Pruning can greatly extend a tree’s life–especially when started at a young age.

Plant Health Care

Our approach to plant health care is to provide a suitable forest setting they are adapted to. This includes organic compost to the tree’s root zone, planting it correctly,etc.